Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tiny Tot School

~CB is currently 8 months & 3 weeks old~



~Learning Toys~

CB is SO GOOD at sitting in front of the Poppin’ Pals and pulling the animals down so last week we worked a lot on pushing them down from behind. It took a little while to get the hang of it and she so badly wanted to pull them towards her, but it’s so fun to practice a new skill!

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We are still LOVING our Lean & Groove Musical Table. I don’t know if that will ever get old in our house. It is ALWAYS the first toy she goes to when we hit the floor to play. We replaced the batteries last week so it’s louder than ever, but I think CB likes it better that way! :)

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CB even did a little learning in the car as she practiced dialing and talking on the phone! Such a GREAT toy!!


~Life (FUN) School~

This is where the majority of our week was spent last week. CB is getting so strong and wanting to walk so badly! So, we put in some practice! Her and her daddy walked ALL OVER our house the other day! It was the cutest thing! She holds on to your fingers (barely) and moves those itty bitty legs as fast as she can go, which is a pretty decent speed. I think she will be walking on her own before we know it!

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Cori walking with daddy 014 photoshop













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We also played a little school (like mother like daughter! hehe!) When I went to pick up CB from her nap one day she was talking (grunting) with wide eyes at the stuffed animals beneath her window. So, I pulled them all out for her and set them up all around her. She sat there, staring at them in amazement.

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Then she began to get curious. First, she crawled over to the little dog with the blue snout, picked him up, examined him, then threw him aside. Then, she moved over to the lamb and did the same thing.

CB first tantrum 022 photoshop

Finally, she selected the dog as her favorite (teacher’s pet??) More than anything she wanted to eat his face! When she went down for her second nap that day, the dog went with her! :)

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CB first tantrum 031 photoshop













~Mom’s Favorite~

We went to the beach over the weekend and this was an all time favorite! She fell asleep after nursing in my arms and was such a peaceful sleeper. :)

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