Monday, April 13, 2009

One Way

Well, yesterday was Easter, probably the most significant holiday in the christian faith. Without this holiday we wouldn't be the same; we wouldn't have had a savior to pay the ultimate price for us and give us the freedom we have today. In church Pastor Max was talking about how alot of people just don't think they need a savior because they already have a good life - what more could they need? We seem to overrate our abilities in this life. We think that if we live a good life that will be enough to get us to heaven. The sad reality, is that it won't be good enough. But, the true reality, is that when we admit that we aren't enough - when we admit that without Jesus we aren't enough and we believe that with our whole heart, that will be enough to get us to heaven. A beliver once told me that if he's wrong in his beliefs in Christ, he has nothing to lose. He lived for a greater purpose and strived to be Christ like. But, if a non-believer is wrong, he has EVERYTHING to lose. So, why not believe?

Pastor Max then went on to tell a story about a man he met on an airplane. A rich man, who like I talked about above, lived a good life and that was enough for him. Pastor Max drew a ladder on a napkin with "God" at the top of the ladder. He asked the man to put an "X" on the ladder where he thought he fell in his "goodness", God being perfect, and the worst of the worst on the bottom (Hitler, Bin Laden, etc.). The man thought for a while and Pastor Max interrupted his thoughts and said, "You probaly need a benchmark to measure your goodness, let me help." So Max wrote the name of the Apostle Paul somewhere beneath the middle of the ladder and said that even Paul who was a disciple of Jesus said he was the worst of all sinners. Underneath Paul he wrote Mother Teresa, under Mother Teresa he wrote Billy Graham, and underneath Billy he wrote his name, Pastor Max. By this time Max is pretty much at the bottom of the ladder. He hands the pen back to this man on the airplane and once again asks him to put an "X" where he thinks he falls. The man places his "X" beneath Pastor Max and just above the very bottom step. ... When we think about how "good" our life really is and how "good" others have lived their lives, we don't feel so "good" do we? Romans 3:23 says, "for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." All of us - the Apostle Paul and Mother Teresa too. None of us could ever be good enough to spend eternity with God, that is why we had to have a Savior. That's the very reason Jesus came. He is the ONLY one who can save us from ourselves. God is not going to be okay with a "pretty darn good" life. God wants us realize the only way to him, which is through his son Jesus. We all (me included) have to stop worrying about what other people think, and worry about what God thinks!

They played a video at church that truly touched my heart. I know it doesn't take much, but I couldn't contain my tears. God has made a us a promise and he will follow through. He is making all things new again. It's a song sung by Brad Paisley and Sara Evens. The video was taken from various clips of the movie, The Passion. I hope you will check it out. New Again

I hope you will stop to reflect on your walk with God. Is it all you want it to be? Have you realized what Christ did for you? He put himself on a cross and paid the price for me and you. Three days later he was risen from the dead and to this day is seated on the throne next to the Father. What a peaceful thought. ... Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed. The victory is won. He is risen from the dead. - I will rise, by Chris Tomlin.

Happy Easter!
Much Love,
Dani and Dave :)

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