Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

Hey there blog friends! I have so many things to tell you; so many posts to write – David’s surprise 29th birthday party, our trips to the splash park this summer, how sweet my precious girls looked on Sunday as they both wore their hot pink dresses to church, my Home Notebook I’ve started to create, how great it felt to be back in the gym today (thank you, Katie!!!) and know that Finley is old enough to go to the nursery so I can work out on a daily basis, what our schedule is like with 2 kids, how Finley is sleeping through the night and what helped me get her there, what I love about Finley at week 10 (which is TODAY!), etc, etc. But, the post that takes the cake today is about Cori Belle, who slept in her big girl bed for the FIRST time last night!!

For the past few days I’ve been asking Cori at every nap and every night if she’d like to try out her big girl bed. Her normal response is to say no and point to or walk towards her crib. That’s been fine with me. She is only 20 months old and I’m in no hurry to rush her into something she isn’t ready for, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. She’ll go when she’s ready.

Well, last night after our normal bedtime routine we were getting ready for her to go to bed. I asked her if she’d like to try out her big girl bed and she walked over to her toddler bed, climbed in, and said, “Night Night Mama.” I got her pillow, snuggle blanket and baby out of her crib (a Nuk too because she still uses those to sleep) and tucked her in with a light blanket. We said our prayers, I turned out the light, and shut the door. Thankfully we now have a video monitor so I could see how she responded to being in a completely different bed in the pitch black dark. She laid completely still and went to sleep!!

To be honest, I felt a little anxious about it. I don’t know if I was worried she would get up, fall out, etc. But I think it was mostly because she is turning a new corner. She is growing up and handled herself very well in that big girl bed of hers!

This morning when Finley got up to nurse around 5, I checked the monitor to see how Cori did throughout the night. She was not in her bed. I used the remote on the monitor to pan the room. She was no where to be found. Then, I heard her make a little noise. I decided not to go into her room to check. I may not have been able to see her on the video monitor, but she was alive and well so I decided to let her sleep (wherever it is that she was – I knew she was at least in her room). … At 8:15 she was still sleeping so I decided to go check it out. I opened the door and walked over to her bed and this is what I saw…

Cori in big girl bed 013


She was UNDER her crib!! Her big girl bed is angled out of the corner next to her crib. You can see the foot board of her bed on the bottom left of this picture covered with her comforter. She had somehow managed to get out of her bed in the middle of the night and crawl under her crib. I wish my video monitor took live video so I could see exactly when and HOW this happened!!! She was also SOUND ASLEEP when I walked in at 8:15. Here is her sweet little head under her crib.

Cori in big girl bed 014


I gently woke her up. She was a little freaked out and looked a bit confused. Wouldn’t you be if you woke up under your bed and had no clue how you got there?!? HA! She crawled out and the first words out of her mouth were, “Daddy?” as she pointed to the door. That girl is always thinking about her daddy! After she figured out everything was okay, I walked her back to her bed and reminded her that she should sleep in there and not on the floor! Then we took a picture, because we LOVE taking pictures around our house! Can you tell?!?

Cori in big girl bed 016

Here she is practicing how to sleep in her big girl bed!


Cori in big girl bed 017



It’s nap time at our house at the moment. Both girls are asleep! I love that they both take naps at the same time. Then, I get some time to blog, check email, clean, prep dinner, etc. Such a peaceful time! … Little Miss is asleep in her big girl bed for her nap and she hasn’t made it under her crib yet. HA! She looks pretty zonked out on the video monitor. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Happy Friday!


The Helms Family said...

This made me smile! How funny! Such a big girl. It was great seeing you all too! I am going to post a pic of our kids soon and I will include the pic from last June on your couch so we can compare how much they have grown!

Meg said...

Hi Danielle,

I know this may sound weird but I found your blog through a friend of a friend and I LOVE reading it. I've really enjoyed your journey with both girls (as I'm almost on track with you, a 2 year old boy and a new baby any day now). I think it's your cousin - John, Melissa and the twins - her friend Candace is my best friend's sister. Anyway, just thought I'd intro myself as one of your followers.

I just intro'd my little boy to his big boy bed in prep for the new little one to come along. I had to laugh that Cori was under her crib cause only a few nights ago I found my Reed clear up under his bed screaming in the middle of the night. I have no idea how he got there!

Good luck with the girls and as a fellow Christian, I love reading your inspirational posts about being a mom. Hope I didn't freak you out too much! Feel free to check out my blog -


Karen said...

Hello! I am working on a book development project. I am writing a children's book about the transition from crib to "big kid bed." I am looking for photographs to use in my book, and I really like the photo you have posted to your blog of your daughter snuggled up in bed with Minnie. I am writing to ask if you would be willing to give me rights to use the photograph in my book. I will need permission to use it for commercial use. Please let me know if you have questions about the content of the book. Thank you!

Karen Langdon