Thursday, April 21, 2011

Celebrating Easter with Tea

Yesterday we went to a Tea Party with a few friends to celebrate Easter. We had to wear our Sunday Best. It was a lot of fun! First, we had our tea and a few snacks… Then, all the kids listened to a few Easter stories…













Finally, we got ready for our egg hunt!


Since it was Cori’s second time hunting for eggs this week, she thought she was a pro! You should have seen her carrying her basket to the field where all the eggs were hidden. She acted like such a big girl!! And, when she got to the field, she knew just what to do! Too bad all the big kids got there first and she only ended up with 2 eggs! She didn’t seem to mind though. :)














Here is a picture of Cori and her friends. I didn’t get a single good one where everyone was looking at the camera! This is a real picture of kids being kids! :) HA!

Willie, Madelyn, Annabelle, Cori, and Michael

We have another Egg hunt on Saturday before we actually make it to Easter. Can’t wait!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Love the pics! Yes tell me about the group shot I took like 50 and I don't have one where everyone is looking!